Check Your Settings

So with this “Summer of Strategy” comes quite a bit of summer stress.  In the last couple of days, I would say it has hit a crushing level.  And so I called a wonderful friend to commiserate, and we came up with this 6-step plan.  He is much more Zen than I am, so I’m sure you can guess that he wrote steps 1-3.  I contributed 4 (see previous post), but with the caveat that it does add another thing to your t0-do list, which may negate its positive effects.  And of course, steps 5 and 6 were all me.

How to Commiz and Check Your Settings

1. Take three truly smooth, deep intentional breaths to clear the mind and sink into the very moment at hand (if possible let out an audible “sigh” of relief/release) — take a second to listen to the sounds around you and feel the weight of your body and notice what you’re feeling physically in the body and in the heart/mind.

2. Remember that life is a marathon and not a sprint and that slow small steps available for getting through the challenges of this day will keep you moving ahead in that marathon — even if today’s uphill climb is a tough one. All you really need in this moment is that next small step.

3. Remember that if you’re uncomfortable its probably because you’re striving to achieve something — something that is bringing about the natural stresses of the unknown, effort, new hurdles and\or barriers to overcome.

4. List mentally or on paper if handy all of the accomplishments of the past few days, weeks, months (if none or very few make some up).

5. If head explosion still looms as an imminent prospect turn to white wine and shrill whine with friends.

6.  In an emergency, go straight to #5 and when the wine starts to kick in, start back at the beginning.

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